You can drive change immediately.


The power resides with you.

You may answer to your customers. But your vendors answer to you.

Many of you are starting to ask for supplier diversity data behind closed doors, but that won’t show progress and accountability as a whole.

By asking for this data to be public you will help stoke competition amongst partners, diversify the talent, and do better for your customer.

The Agency DEI Database will add transparency and give you a tool to easily see where your partner stands, compare them with others, and help you find other partners to consider.

Data will not change the landscape overnight.  Real change is going to be a series of small, progressive steps that add up to large shifts we all talk about wanting.  But this is a vital foundational step that will allow us to measure progress in the future.

Help us grow the Agency DEI Database by:

  1. Using this workforce diversity data blueprint.

  2. Asking your partners to share their data with us.

  3. Use this as part of your partner evaluations.

If you’re committed to creating better, more inclusive work with your partners and vendors, please join us in sharing your data and asking your partners to do the same HERE.